Vox Podcast With Mike Erre

467 - Outrage Against the Machine



Outrage Against the Machine. Hi. Today, Mike and Tim take a dive into the week in outrage, the outrage over that outrage and the outrage about the outrage over the initial outrage... got it? Does anybody read this...? Was it a last supper depiction? Is that blasphemous? Does it matter? They also touch on the boxing controversy that has made everyone online an expert on gender. How can we change the way we approach sensitive conversations and how can we avoid the outrage? First, Mike and Tim look at a few emails: Podcast format and content and the importance of respecting complexity and nuance in biblical subjects and express their commitment to making the podcast more accessible and shareable. Progressive revelation of God throughout history and the need to be gracious towards our faithful ancestors. The role of social media in the lives of Christians and the potential for it to malform us. A pastor publicly addressing his child's sin and the potential harm it can cause. A lot to cover and ch