Roy Green Show

What is known about the terror attack in Edmonton, what happens next? Is the NFL losing fans due to players taking a knee? What do we know about the final mission of Extortion 17?



A terrorism investigation is underway in Edmonton, where a police officer was stabbed and four pedestrians struck down by a fleeing U-Haul truck Saturday night. What do we know so far?   Guest:  Julia Wong, Digital Journalist, Global News.   Guest: Sgt. Mike Elliot. VP Alberta Federation of Police Associations. Also a Sgt. with the Edmonton Police Service.   Guest: Raheel Raza. Author, educator, public speaker, consultant for interfaith & interculture diversity.  Author:  Their Jihad, Not My Jihad. - Mark Yost writes on the business of sport for the Wall Street Journal and Sports Illustrated. He writes this is the beginning of the end for the NFL. What are the NFL protests doing to the viewership numbers?      Guest: Mark Yost. Author:Tailgating, Sacks and Salary Caps ... How the NFL became the world's most successful sports league. - The helicopter flight was known as Extortion One-Seven. On board in Afghanistan were members of the U.S. Navy SEAL Team Six. The same special forces unit which kill