Roy Green Show

How do Canadians feel about immigration? What is the nature of the Dark Web, what are its dangers? Will Patrick Brown apologize to Kathleen Wynne?



The Roy Green Show Podcast In an Ipsos poll on immigration, 40% of Canadians say immigration is making the country change in ways they don't like. Additionally, 1 in 4 respondents think Canada should close its borders to refugee claimants. Guest: Sean Simpson, vice-president at Ipsos Public Affairs-Omar Khadr is back in court appealing for changes to his bail conditions. Additionally, the B.C. Prosecution Service will not be appealing a court ruling that failed to give Allan Schoenborn a “high risk” designation. Guest: Scott Newark, former crown attorney, former executive director of the Canadian Police Association and adjunct professor at Simon Fraser University-Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne extended her deadline for Progressive Conservative Party leader Patrick Brown to apologize for saying Wynne was on trial for the Sudbury byelection bribery case. Guest: Patrick Brown, Ontario PC leader-There is speculation that information from the data breach of Equifax – with 134 million personal accounts affecte