Roy Green Show

How is Alberta rancher Jim Garner dealing with losing his home and business to the Kenow wildfire? How should small businesses be treated in Canada? What will be the outcome of the latest lawsuit against Bill Cosby?



The Roy Green Show   67% of Canadians told Ipsos the proposed small business tax changes are fair. 60% agree that the changes could cause businesses to leave Canada, and 40% have heard of the proposed changes but only know a little about the issue. Guest: Darrell Bricker, CEO of IPSOS Public Affairs-Catherine Swift and Conservative Senator Denise Batters respond to Ipsos findings about Canadians' views of the proposed small business tax changes. Guests: Catherine Swift, former president and CEO of the CFIBConservative Senator Denise Batters-Alberta rancher Jim Garner's home and business were reduced to rubble after the Kenow wildfire ripped across his property and the Waterton Lakes National Park. He’s furious at Parks Canada and is demanding an inquiry into how his ranch and others were left exposed and not given proper warning before the fire was set to engulf his home. Guest: Jim Garner, owner of Rocking Heart Ranch, which was destroyed by the Kenow wildfire-“Plunging Canada into massive debt, squint