The Tale Of Rome

Episode 2 - Immaculate Conception



Partial TranscriptHello, this is Abel, speaking from Beijing, China. to the Tale of Rome, Episode 2 — Immaculate Conception.Last Week we saw how Aeneas managed to escape Troy, and how he finally settled on the western coast of Italy. And we saw how his son came to found a city named Albalonga.Today we will see how his grand-grandchildren prepare the stage for us, so that we get to see how Rome as founded.And to get there, today we’ve got it all.Traitors.Vultures bring messages from the gods.An amazing saving of two babies floating in a basket along a river. We even have a woman conceiving children in a rather miraculous way, something that people in the western civilizations call an “Immaculate Conception.”[…]After Ascanius, the kingship was passed from father to son for many generations, until we got to the 13th generation, and the power came to rest upon the shoulders of a man called Numitor.As Numitor became King of Albalonga, his brother Amulius watched, filled