Rich Zeoli

Complete Breakdown: What’s Happening with the Stock Market?



The Rich Zeoli Show- Hour 4: 6:05pm- Dr. EJ Antoni—Research Fellow in The Heritage Foundation’s Grover M. Hermann Center for the Federal Budget—joins The Rich Zeoli Show to discuss the recent stock market slump. On Monday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell over 1,000 points. Meanwhile, Japan’s Nikkei plunged 12% —the largest drop since the Black Monday crash in 1987. Rich wonders if the global market is reacting to the wide-spread perception that Kamala Harris could win the 2024 presidential race? 6:25pm- According to reports, New Jersey officials are actively seeking to ban gas powered leaf blowers state-wide—with the ambition of enacting the new law before trees shed their leaves this fall. 6:35pm- A Philadelphia resident named Dave bought a billboard to help him find a date—emphasizing his ability to cook and his cat named Peach. According to Dave, he has already received thousands of direct messages on Instagram. 6:45pm- David Gelman—Criminal Defense Attorney & Surrogate for Donald Trump’s Legal T