Rich Zeoli

More Big-Name Democrats Turn on Biden: George Clooney, John Lovett, Paul Krugman



The Rich Zeoli Show- Hour 1: 3:05pm- More big names are publicly questioning whether it’s in the Democratic Party’s best interest to place Joe Biden at the top of their 2024 ticket—including actor George Clooney and Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman. In a post on X, former Obama Administration speech writer—and co-host of Pod Save America—Jon Lovett explained, “it’s hard to deny that in the two weeks since the debate, it’s the arrogant and small Joe Biden we’ve seen most - hanging on, bragging, defensive, angry, weak. Who else but him? he wonders aloud. Only God could change his mind, he tells us. The stakes for the country are all that matter. The stakes for Joe Biden are beside the point. But it’s worth saying just the same: Joe Biden can leave office as one of the greatest presidents in our lifetimes, who defeated Trump and put his country first at every turn; or he can leave a stubborn old man who allowed hubris and insecurity to destroy his legacy and perhaps our democracy with it. We all have o