

In today’s episode, I dive into a raw and honest conversation about boundaries and I share some of my current challenges in this area.⁣⁣I talk about the importance of clearly communicating our boundaries so they are not just 'unspoken expectations' that when broken leave us feeling resentful and unsupported. ⁣⁣And I dive into the reason why many of us struggle with implementing boundaries which stems from our learned patterns of people-pleasing, seeking external love, putting others before ourselves and needing to be liked.⁣⁣This conversation is about practising self-love and self-honouring, valuing yourself and having the courage to prioritise your wants and needs. ⁣In this episode I cover:- What it means to honour yourself and how to practice this- Why our boundaries are our responsibility- The danger of holding unspoken expectations - How to get clear on the boundaries you want and need to set- The importance of speaking up and having uncomfortable conversations- How patterns of people-pleasing s