Spacetime With Stuart Gary

NASA’s OSIRIS-Rex Spacecraft Recycled | S26E153



SpaceTime Series 26 Episode 153*New mission for NASA’s OSIRIS-Rex spacecraftAfter completing its initial seven year sample return mission to the asteroid Bennu, NASA's OSIRIS-REx spacecraft is moving on to a new mission studying the asteroid Apophis. *Discovery of planet too big for its SunAstronomers have discovered a planet that is far too massive for its host star. The finding reported in the journal Science calls into question what was previously understood about planetary formation *Halley's comet reaches aphelionOn Saturday, December 9th comet 1P/Halley reached aphelion – it’s most distant orbital position from the Sun. *The Science ReportDiet and air pollution remain among the biggest contributors globally to heart disease. Archaeologists have uncovered the oldest known fortified prehistoric settlement in the world.A new study has found that Cats love to play fetch with their owners, especially if they're in charge. Skeptics guide to Meghan Markle’s anti stress patchListen to SpaceTime on your favorite