Spacetime With Stuart Gary

A Major Blow in the Search for Life on Other Worlds



SpaceTime Series 25 Episode 117*A major blow in the search for life on other worldsPlanetary scientists have suffered a significant setback in their search for exoplanets with life – discovering an Earth like planet with no atmosphere, orbiting the most common type of star in the galaxy.*Making oxygen on Mars with MOXIEOn the red and dusty surface of Mars, nearly 160 million kilometres from Earth, an instrument the size of a school lunchbox is proving it can reliably make as much oxygen as a small tree. *Russia ramps up its space programAs the Kremlin continues its relentless invasion of Ukraine Moscow has launched another four satellites into orbit – making it the fifth flight in two weeks.*SpaceX reaches another Starlink milestoneSpaceX has passed another milestone in its Starlink Broadband internet satellite project launching its 3,500th satellite.The Science ReportNew claims that running cell phones over Wi-Fi networks could have an impact on sperm mobility.Over six percent of people who catch symptomati