Spacetime With Stuart Gary

100: Largest Black Hole Collision Ever Observed



Stream podcast episodes on demand from (mobile friendly). *Largest black hole collision ever observedAstronomers have discovered the biggest and most distant black hole collision ever observed.You tube video url: *Voyager 2 enters interstellar spaceFor only the second time in history, a spacecraft has travelled beyond our solar system and entered interstellar space.You tube video url:*Virgin Galactic reaches the edge of spaceVirgin Galactic’s VSS Unity spaceplane has set a new company altitude record – reaching a height of 82.7 kilometres or 271,326 feet. *The Science ReportDrying soils due to global warming will mean more drought conditions in the future.People who identify as LGBTQI+ are more vulnerable to symptoms of depression from as young as 10.New insights into Australia’s Marsupial Lion.Australia’s first F-35 Joint Strike Fighters touch down at the Wil