Spacetime With Stuart Gary

51: Astronomers witness a star ripped apart by rare black hole - SpaceTime with Stuart Gary Series 21 Episode 51



Stream podcast episodes on demand from (mobile friendly). *Astronomers witness a star ripped apart by rare black hole Astronomers have detected a rare intermediate mass black hole as it ripped apart and devoured a passing star. *Finding missing cosmic matter Astronomers have solved another of the cosmos’s mysteries finding the last of the universe’s missing ordinary matter. *The ongoing mystery of the big wow signal The Wow! signal represented as 6EQUJ5 was a strong narrowband radio signal received on August 15, 1977, by Ohio State University's Big Ear radio telescope which at the time in the United States, then was being used by SETI -- the search for extra-terrestrial intelligence. *The Science Report Liver cancer numbers and death rates more-than-doubled Obesity without diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol still raises cardiovascular disease risk. Rare 2400-year-old Jewish coins discovered in an archaeological dig in Jerusalem. It’s not blade runner 2049 but cops being equipped