Spacetime With Stuart Gary

42: New clues about early Universe



Stream podcast episodes on demand from (mobile friendly). The world’s premier astronomy and space science podcast. *Ancient black hole provides new clues about the early universe An ancient supermassive black hole more than 20 billion times the mass of our Sun has been discovered in the very early universe. *First interstellar immigrant discovered living in our solar system A new study has discovered the first known permanent immigrant to our solar system. The asteroid, currently nestling in Jupiter's orbit, is the first known asteroid to have been captured from another star system. *How Pluto formed Scientists have suggested that the distant frozen world of Pluto may have started out as a giant comet. *Cygnus cargo ship arrives at Space Station with new experiments An Orbital ATK Antares 230 rocket has successfully blasted into orbit carrying three tonnes of science experiments and equipment bound for the International Space Station. You tube video url: [http://spacetimewithstuartgary.tumblr.c