Spacetime With Stuart Gary

20: Astronomers detect ancient signals from the first stars in universe



Stream on demand from (mobile friendly). *Astronomers detect ancient signals from the first stars in universe Astronomers have for the first time ever detected an ancient signal from the first stars in the universe. The discovery places the first stars at just 180 million years after the big bang – far earlier than previously thought. *A new kind of star hypothesised Scientists are speculating about a new type of hypothetical stellar remnant born out of the death of a star. If they exist these so called “semi-classical relativistic stars” should look like stellar mass black holes – but without the black hole’s event horizon providing a point of no return for energy matter and time. *Juno’s newest close encounter with the king of planets Scientists have released the latest data from NASA’s Juno spacecraft’s most recent encounters with the gas giant Jupiter. Data collected during these latest orbits show that massive cyclones surround Jupiter's north and south poles unlike anything encountered an