Spacetime With Stuart Gary

93: The universe before the big bang



*The universe before the big bang A new hypothesis is proposing to eliminate the need for cosmological spacetime singularity and with it the big bang which kicked of the cosmos 13.8 billion years ago. Instead, physicists suggest the universe’s current expansion phase was preceded by a big crunch contraction and possibly a bouncing universe with infinite prior cycles of expansion and contraction. *The next nearest planet to our solar system A temperate Earth-sized planet has been discovered just 11 light-years away. The new world named Ross 128 b is currently the second-closest temperate planet ever detected – the nearest being Proxima b which orbits the star Proxima Centauri some 4.25 light years from Earth. *Dawn explores Ceres’ interior evolution Scientists have begun studying the internal structure and composition of the dwarf planet Ceres finding a close relationship between its internal evolution and its surface features. The findings used data collected by NASA’s Dawn spacecraft to analyse Ceres’ surfac