Spacetime With Stuart Gary

72: Farewell Cassini



Help support SpaceTime, become a patron for as little as $3 per month. And we have rewards. Check out the details at * Farewell Cassini After an historic mission lasting 20 years -- including 13 years of ground breaking scientific observations of the majestic ringed world of Saturn and its many moons –Cassini’s journey of exploration has come to an end. On September 15 at 9:53 in the evening Australian Eastern Standard Time – after a five minute roll manoeuvre -- Cassini began its suicidal death plunge into Saturn’s atmosphere -- triggering the ultimate demise of the spacecraft. *New Horizons wakes up from hibernation NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft has successfully woken from hibernation as it continues its marathon mission to the distant Kuiper Belt object 2014 MU69. Mission managers at the Johns Hopkins University in Laurel, Maryland say the 480 kilogram probe woke up from its five month hibernation period in good health and operating normally, with all system