Spacetime With Stuart Gary

71: NASA’s OSIRIS-REx Spacecraft About to Swoop Over Australia



Help support SpaceTime, become a patron for as little as $3 per month. And we have rewards. Check out the details at * NASA’s OSIRIS-REx spacecraft about to swoop over Australia Australian stargazers will have a chance to get a close up look at NASA’s OSIRIS-REx spacecraft when the three metre wide probe sweeps over the country during the early morning hours of September 23rd. The spacecraft is undertaking a gravity assist slingshot manoeuvre, designed to build up speed and modify its trajectory to eventually intercept the half kilometre wide asteroid 101955 Bennu, which has a 1-in-2700 chance of hitting the Earth in the next 200 years. *Jupiter's auroras present a powerful mystery Scientists on NASA's Juno mission have observed massive amounts of energy swirling over Jupiter's polar regions which are contributing to the gas giant’s powerful aurorae - only not in ways the researchers expected. Juno observed signatures from powerful electric potentials, aligned w