Spacetime With Stuart Gary

68: Bizarre looking white dwarf star



Help support SpaceTime, become a patron for as little as $3 per month. And we have rewards includinga commercial free version of the show. Check out the details at * Bizarre looking white dwarf star Astronomers have identified an unusual white dwarf star that may be the leftover remains of a recently discovered new type of “sub-luminous” supernova. The findings also point to more than one process for generating these powerful cataclysmic stellar explosions. *First X-rays detected from thermonuclear supernovae Astronomers have for the first time detected x-rays coming from exploding stars known as thermonuclear or type 1a supernovae. Type 1a supernovae has helped scientists develop their current understanding of the universe, but researchers are still in the dark about many of their features. *A new look at how the Earth was formed New geochemical research indicates that existing theories of the formation of the Earth could be wrong. The claims are based on exper