Spacetime With Stuart Gary

35: The Milky Way’s mysterious gamma ray glow solved



Stream Episodes on demand from or (both mobile friendly) *The Milky Way’s mysterious gamma ray glow solved A mysterious gamma-ray glow coming from the centre of the Milky Way is most likely caused by a sea of pulsars. The findings cast doubt on previous ideas that the glow might be evidence of dark matter -- a mysterious invisible substance that accounts for 85 percent of all matter in the universe -- but which has so far evaded detection. *Gravitationally lensed supernova Astronomers have discovered their first gravitationally lensed thermonuclear supernova. The new observations provide new ways of studying the accelerating expansion of the Universe due to a mysterious force called dark energy – as well as gravity and distribution of a mysterious substance called dark matter across the cosmos. *Cassini finds big empty close to Saturn NASA’s Cassini scientists say the region between Saturn and its rings is relatively dust free. However, the discovery made during