Spacetime With Stuart Gary

30: New clues for life on Saturnian moon



Stream Episodes on demand from or (both mobile friendly) * New clues for life on Saturnian moon Molecular hydrogen gas has been discovered in plumes erupting from Saturn's ice moon Enceladus. Scientists say the hydrogen was part of a soup of water and minerals analogous to hydrothermal vents at the mid ocean ridges on Earth, which are known to support life on the seafloor. *Four new objects being investigated in the search for Planet 9 A search hunting for a possible ninth planet in the dark outer reaches of the solar system has discovered a new system of four exoplanets orbiting a nearby star. The discovery was part of the BBC’s Stargazing Live broadcast from the Siding Spring Observatory in outback New South Wales. *New study of the strange Casimir Effect on quantum particles Physicists have discovered a new property exhibited by the Casimir Effect -- a strange force that effects matter on the smallest of scales. The new research expands on what science underst