Spacetime With Stuart Gary

29: New warning signs for supernovae discovered



Stream Episodes on demand from or (both mobile friendly) * New warning signs for supernovae discovered Astronomers have detected a potential new warning sign displayed shortly before a star is destroyed in a supernova explosion. A report claims the progenitor stars of core collapse or Type II supernovae – display significant instability in the final Earth year leading up to their cataclysmic destruction. *More tantalizing hints of possible past life on Mars Scientists re-examining minerals originally studied years ago by NASA’s Mars rover Spirit, now believe they could represent a tantalizing possible biological marker for past life on the red planet. The minerals – known as opaline silica deposits – were examined by the six wheeled golf cart sized robotic rover in 2007 -- near a circular geological feature called Home Plate in the Inner Basin of the Columbia Hills region in the red planet’s Gusev Crater. *Giant cold spot discovered on Jupiter Astronomers have di