Spacetime With Stuart Gary

21: New clues about the very first stars



Stream Episodes on demand from or (both mobile friendly) *New clues about the very first stars Astronomers studying a distant galaxy have discovered some new evidence about the very first stars to shine in the universe. The team made the remarkable find while observing a young remote galaxy located some 13.3 billion light years away. *NASA’s mission to Jupiter’s ice moon Europa NASA has formally named its next mission to the Jovian ice moon Europa “The Europa Clipper”. The mission which is slated for launch around 2022 will explore the frozen world which possesses all three of the ingredients necessary for life: liquid water, chemical nutrients, and energy sources sufficient to enable biology. *A perfect storm of fire and ice may have led to snowball Earth Scientists have a new hypothesis to explain what caused the largest glaciation event in Earth's history, known as 'snowball Earth' – a runaway glaciation that covered the planet in ice from pole-to-pole. *The S