Spacetime With Stuart Gary

14: Mysterious white dwarf pulsar discovered



Stream Episodes on demand from or (both mobile friendly) *Mysterious white dwarf pulsar discovered Astronomers have discovered their first white dwarf pulsar. These are a stellar class that has been speculated about for over half a century – but never previously detected. *Space Junk mission failure An experimental Japanese mission to help clear space junk from low Earth orbit has failed. The plan involved using a 700-metre long electrodynamic tether to slow bits of space junk down causing the refuse to lose altitude and begin the process of re-entering Earth’s atmosphere. *Juno’s planned orbital changes dropped NASA Juno mission will now remain in its existing 53 Earth day orbit around the planet Jupiter -- rather that moving to a lower 14 Earth day orbit as planned. The decision follows problems with two helium check valves on the spacecraft main propulsion system. *Falcon 9 launch from historic pad A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket has made history blasting off from La