Spacetime With Stuart Gary

13: New dates for the early solar system - SpaceTime with Stuart Gary S20E13



Stream Episodes on demand from or (both mobile friendly) *New dates for the early solar system A new study has confirmed that the solar system and its major planets were formed within the first four million years of the Sun’s birth. The findings, reported in the journal Science place the most precise date yet on the solar system’s early evolution and the length of time the system’s protoplanetary disk was present. *Black hole sets a feeding record A giant black hole has ripped apart a star and gorged on its remains for over decade -- more than 10 times longer than any previously observed episode of stellar death by black hole. The process known as a tidal disruption event occurs when the tidal forces due to the intense gravity from a black hole destroys an object -- such as a star -- that wanders too close. *India’s new world record launching 104 satellites at once. India’s first launch for 2017 has set a new world record carrying 104 small satellites in to orbit