Short Funk

Simulcast This Comes Next 1: Re-A-Member-Ing [January 14, 2017]



Tom announces the name of the podcast, This Comes Next. Jay wants to talk about artificial intelligence. Tom digresses into a discussion about termites and Iranian terminators. Tom wants to talk about wargaming so asks Jay about her experiences. They discuss the paradox associated with a political perspective and existing in a hyper-capitalist society. They explore the health of the mind. Tom asks Jay about how she divides religion and the mind. Tom starts the discussion on Obamacare. Why is activist a loaded term for Jay? In contrast, Tom prefers raised-by-wolves. Jay wants to understand the humor that enable Tom to survive through corporate hierarchies. They discussion Election Night 2016. Tom kicks off the analysis on Assange and a brief discussion of the Russians - to be continued. To get future podcasts go to and subscribe.