Sex With Emily

Calling All Virgins: Your First Time Sex Guide



This show is dedicated to all you virgins out there! No matter what your age or relationship status, Emily shares her “First Time Sex Preparedness Guide” to help you make your introduction into sex a positive one. She lists her do’s & dont’s for starting off your sex life, answers your most common virginity questions, and even shares her own first-time sex story… For science, of course.   Should you wait for that special someone or just get it over with? Will it hurt? Can you get pregnant the first time? Emily and Anderson address a range of pre-coital concerns to help quell the qualms of all the first timers out there. And for all you non-virgins, the pair also discuss new innovations in period sex and explain how “manspreading” might be able to help step up your dating game. So if you’re thinking about knockin’ boots for the very first time or you just need to brush up on the basics, this show will help you make sex be the best it can be. From foreplay to protection to the great hymen myth, this show is not