Sex With Emily

Happy Endings & Kiny Beginnings



In the newest Sex With Emily podcast, we’re talking about how to find the happiness you’ve been seeking in your relationships, your sex life and, most importantly, in yourself! Emily opens up about two practices she feels passionately about that can enhance your overall wellness, and tackles your emails on mismatched libidos, pegging and happy endings. Erotic massage parlors: Socially acceptable or totally illegal? Emily lays down the law on the topic of paying for “happy endings” and shares an unsettling news story about a disgruntled customer’s rash reaction to a parlor’s “no rub and tug” policy. Then it’s onto your emails. What do you do if you and your significant other have disappointingly dissimilar sex drives? How do you bring up a new backdoor fetish to your “mostly vanilla” sex partner? Emily sheds light on how to bridge difficult communication gaps in your relationship and discusses the importance of finding a happy medium that leaves both parties sexually satisfied. From shady sex parlors (which