Sex With Emily

The Key To Happiness w/ Dr. Amen



What if being happy was a moral obligation, like voting and recycling? Would you take steps to be happier? Today, I’m joined by brain health expert, and New York Times best-selling author Dr. Daniel Amen to talk about how our thinking patterns shape our lives in and outside of the bedroom. We discuss the ways stress affects your sexual performance, give tips to combat your automatic negative thoughts (ANTS), and discuss his book Your Brain is Always Listening.  We answer a question from a habitual cheater on how to break the cycle and discuss how Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) can get in the way of your orgasm. Come along on a fascinating deep dive into how shifting your mindset can transform your brain, your relationships, and your pleasure. In this episode, you’ll learn: How to silence negative thoughts with easy daily habits to rewire your brain Why a healthy brain means better sex, from focus to pleasure How to break toxic cycles and build stronger, happier relationships Show Notes: More Dr. Danie