We Don't Die® Radio Show With Host Sandra Champlain

322 Brian Smith - HelpingParentsHeal.org & Grief 2 Growth



Grief 2 Growth life coach ( https://grief2growth.com/ ) Brian Smith has experienced deep grief and now helps people find their greatest growth. He and his wife Ty are leaders of the Cincinnati Chapter of the Helping Parents Heal organization and organizers of the Helping Parents Heal online group. https://www.helpingparentsheal.org/ and the online group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/helpingparentshealonline/ Their daughter Shayna Elayne, whose name means Beautiful Light, transitioned on June 24, 2015 at 15 years of age. Shayna was a force while on Earth and continues to be a force after her transition. The couple has had many visits from Shayna, including sessions with mediums where she came through loud and clear. After her passing they began experiencing a series of synchronistic events that led them to Mark Ireland, Elizabeth Boisson, and Mark Pitstick. The unique connection of events was undeniable and helped them understand that it was their destiny to start a chapter of Helping Parents Heal in Cincin