We Don't Die® Radio Show With Host Sandra Champlain

262 Martin Twycross "Great Mediums of the Past"



Once an atheist, Martin Twycross, a scientifically-minded skeptic and now a highly experienced medium has been teaching mediumship since 2006. He holds CSNU awards in demonstrating and speaking issued by the Spiritualists National Union. He is founder in the “Course in Mediumship” products and believes that everyone should have high quality, affordable teachings available to them. His latest course is called “Great Mediums of the Past." visit https://martintwycrossproducts.co.uk/item/great-mediumsand https://www.martintwycross.com/ *Enjoying We Don't Die Radio episodes? Would you like to be a Patron of the show? Consider donating $1 or more per episode to help operating costs of the show (I keep the show commercial-free on purpose) please visit: https://www.patreon.com/wedontdieradio or simply give at https://www.paypal.me/SandraChamplain The AREI Afterlife Symposium in Arizona will probably sell out again this year. Get your tickets now! Early bird pricing in effect for the September 13-16, 2018 dates and re