The 66 Day Experiment: Unleash Success in 66 Days | Create Change that Lasts with Habits, Productivi...

The Unexpected Tactic to Connect with Experts – Day 39



Everyone eventually wants the attention of someone with influence. We’d love the opportunity to tell the President everything he’s doing wrong, or at least we think we would tell him... We would swoon for the moment to speak with a celebrity, who’s endorsement could easily make our lives so much easier. A conversation with a multimillionaire could change the direction of our lives A word of encouragement from an olympic champion could determine our health until we’re in our 70’s Whenever I’ve met with an expert, life becomes easier. Here’s a few examples from my life when I ask an expert’s advice: Made $1,500 a week from promoting a service through Facebook ads Created my first ebook ­ Hangout and Grow Rich: How to Create a Virtual Mastermind in 30 Days Launched a podcast with over 100,000 downloads and remains in the top 100 podcast consistently in the Career section (even though it “stopped” over a year ago) Notes: What do you think? Email me at Mastermind Talks Pod