The 66 Day Experiment: Unleash Success in 66 Days | Create Change that Lasts with Habits, Productivi...

Halfway There: What I Should Have Done From the Start – Day 33



I share key lessons from the greatest difficulties of starting my 66 Day Experiment What I would do differently if I were start this all over Key lessons from the first part of the 66 Day Experiment ­ Habits are hard to establish - my exercise habit has been the most difficult to maintain -- I feel like I almost convince myself not to do it in the mornings, and then before I know it, I have to get ready and go to work -  have the same trigger every day --  a worthwhile reward is needed for this podcast; but a tracking system helps too ­ Fear or the Resistance is POWERFUL -  give up daily ­ Tracking is essential - use the habit tracker -- wouldn’t have know how far I’ve come --  also would realize that these “habits’ wouldn’t actually stick if I track them ­ Accountability + Feedback is essential - find someone or someway to be accountable ­ Do differently ­ Probably would record everything and then release it into a podcast -  there’s advantages and disadvantages to this -- disadvantage ­ lack of fe