Conversations With Allan Wolper

Steve Seskin: The Bullying of American School Children



“Don’t Laugh At Me" “Don’t Call Me Names" “Don’t Get Your Pleasure from my pain" “In God’s eyes we’re all the same" Grammy award nominee Steve Seskin co-wrote the anti-bullying anthem, Don’t Laugh at Me, with his friend, Allen Shamblin, a song that was recorded by Peter, Paul and Mary. It inspired the creation of Operation Respect, a foundation that encourages children to get along with each other. “Kids as young as first and second grade are hurting and already experiencing ridicule by people who pick on them and call them names and they don’t have the ability to throw it over their shoulders,” Seskin says. “They develop a phobia and are afraid to go to school.” Harvey Rich and his daughter, Darrian, who perform on this program, sing the song and interact with children at various community groups and schools in the New Jersey area.