Ask Noah Show

Episode 11: Live from SELF



This week we're live from the floor at SELF! We talk to the movers & shakers in the community. RedHat employees flood in to talk about the great things they're doing for the Linux community. -- The Cliff Notes -- Linux Active Directory Systems Mooltipass ( -- Noobs Corner -- Check out the Ask Noah Dashboard ( -- Stay In Touch -- Find all the resources for this show on the Ask Noah Dashboard Ask Noah Dashboard ( Need more help than a radio show can offer? Altispeed provides commercial IT services and they’re excited to offer you a great deal for listening to the Ask Noah Show. Call today and ask about the discount for listeners of the Ask Noah Show! Altispeed Technologies ( Contact Noah asknoah [at] -- Twitter -- + Noah - Kernellinux ( + Ask Noah Show ( + Altispeed Technologies ( + Jupiter B