Tara On Tma Podcasts

Tara on TMA Podcast (2014-12-02)



To keep you safe, Governor Haley wants your prescription drug info, Coach Spurrier has decided he's not going to go, and the largest transfer of wealth in US history just occurred, and Obama had nothing to do with it. Gas prices have fallen so much that billions have been redirected into your wallet from oil investor's bank accounts. So the free market is doing a better job redistributing wealth than Obama is.What do we need him for? It could now be a felony to lie to a SC legislative committee, a white father was bludgeoned to death with hammers on the streets of St. Louis by people yelling "F white people" and no one cares. If the GOP won't shut down the government over amnesty, Obama vows to do it himself, and the US is seeking the ultimate spy program that will allow spies to "Google" any conversation topic and pull up all the digital conversations going on about that topic anywhere in the world, in related news, the US debt just hit $18 trillion. (76:43)