Tara On Tma Podcasts

Tara on TMA Podcast (2014-02-10)



Do you have a new iPad? Would you like one? You are already paying for one for school children in Charleston, even though having iPads doesn't raise test scores. What the heck? Plus, the media is now keeping track of how many gay athletes win medals at Sochi. Everyone talks about what women want for Valentines Day, but what do men want? The answer won't surprise you. Plus, how much it will cost Olympians to win a medal and Bill Maher explains why disincentives to work could be a good thing. Watchdog on Wall Street Chris Markowski says chill out about the stock market, everything will turn out fine. Plus Maj. Shawn Swarz talks about winning a Bronze medal for his service in Afghanistan. All that and more on the podcast. (71:18)