Eat Sleep Write With Adam Scull

ESW 114. Fin's Magic with KateMarie Collins



Join Eat Sleep Write host Adam Scull in this fascinating conversation about fantasy writing with KateMarie Collins. Fin's Magic: A Book of the Amari. Fin is one of the Amari, the only race that can do magic. They don’t wave their fingers or cast spells. The magic is very organic and comes about because of the connection between them and the earth itself. Because of this ability, the Amari have been enslaved and forced to do magic for those who chain them. If their magic is used for ill/harm, the earth retaliates by harming the caster. Not only is Fin’s race enslaved, it’s in danger of becoming extinct. Fin has spent her entire life looking over her shoulder, hiding her true nature. With the help of Emile, Alaric, Trystian and Gwen, she’s evaded capture for the last twenty years. One night, their camp is met by a group of slavers looking for stray Amari. As the battle ensues, Fin is forced to use her magic to defend herself. The life she takes results in an angry and painful scar running from her shoulder