Eat Sleep Write With Adam Scull

58. "Billy Moon" with Douglas Lain



Douglas Lain work has regularly appeared in nationally distributed literary magazines and journals such as Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet and Amazing Stories since 1999, and his first book Last Week’s Apocalypse was a collection of these stories published by Night Shade Books. His second short story collection is entitled Fall Into Time and was published by Fantastic Planet Press (an imprint of the Bizarro publisher Eraserhead) in June of 2011. His novella entitled “Wave of Mutilation” appeared in October of 2011. His surreal nonfiction book “Pick Your Battle” was published in July of 2011 with Kickstarter funding. Finally, Lain’s first novel, entitled Billy Moon tells the story of Christopher Robin Milne’s fictional involvement with the French general strike in May of 1968, is due out from Tor Books on August 27th of 2013.