Conversations With A Genius- Fun Small Business Talk

077: Greg Gibas: Build a Business with Telemarketing



Today’s genius is Greg Gibas. Greg has been fascinated with business and entrepreneurship his entire life. Originally born in Poland but grew up in Chicago. After he finished his Bachelor’s degree in management he traveled to Australia where he got his master’s degree in Marketing from Macquarie University in Sydney. After coming back home, he went on to start Office Goblins, an outsourcing company in the Philippines focused on B2B telemarketing. Over the last 5 years, his company has completed over 2 million phone calls on behalf of their clients. He’s also been a guest speaker at business events in his community, and occasionally teaches business classes as an adjunct professor at Northeastern Illinois University in Chicago. He has a no none-sense approach to business and in his spare time enjoys stand up comedy, live theater, and sushi.