Pod Academy

At the service of the citizen: redefining ‘Civic Tech’



This is the third of our podcasts from Civic Radio, exploring the role of the 'civic' in today's world - a world in which commerce often squeezes out our collective experience as citizens, and in which the term 'citizenship' is usually used to mean the individual's relationship with government, rather than citizens' interdependence with each other.   This is the theme explored by tech activist Laurenellen McCann, in conversation with Jo Barratt, In particular they consider the emergence of the 'Civic Tech' movement, in which Laurenellen played a major role, but of which she is now increasingly critical. The roots of civic tech are in gov2.0, E.gov, and OpenGov in the early 2000s and are for the tech initiated.  Civic technology is vital, but, says LaurenEllen, what does a white tech dude have in common with a single mother on welfare? How can he really understand what she needs?  Open Gov techies continue to work within a definition of citizenship which focuses on the citizen's relationship to governrnent,