Starburst Radio Podcast

Starburst Radio Podcast 11th December 2011



Stardate 11th December 2011... [The 2012 Preview Special Accidentally Part 3 of 3] In which Kris Heys is horrified at DVD Whosploitation, is nostalgic for Kenner Toy Ads, and picks the wrong Star Trek franchise to get on board with. Mike Royce hosts the big Film Bomb Debate, criticises the handling of Shia Labeouf by ‘The Mighty Kris’, wants to organise a Twilight Lynch Mob, and introduces Nathan Fillion’s ugly brother. Missing episodes of Doctor Who surface, Artmageddon returns with ‘Another Earth’, and what is happening with the Starburst Voodoo Doll... All recordings are issued under official license from Manchester Radio Online.