Starburst Radio Podcast

Starburst Radio Podcast 27th November 2011



Stardate 27th November 2011... [The 2012 Preview Special Accidentally Part 1 of 3] In which Kris Heys hates lazy Things, is confused by Yoda flogging Pot Noodles, wants to be the new agent for poor Ahmed Best, whilst crying into mirrors and making wick free candles. Mike Royce has no time for ‘Touristy Madness’, espouses the genius of Mr Scoville, pimps out Celebrity Graves, forgets to plug in the laptop yet again, and fails to realise that Tatooine is not actually a Country in Northern Africa. Nutty Madam horrifically reviews Twilight - Breaking Dawn, and the dangers of Cola are examined. Celebrity sword sizes are compared, and the Argentinian Gnome sightings are put under scrutiny... All recordings are issued under official license from Manchester Radio Online.