Starburst Radio Podcast

Starburst Radio Podcast 9th October 2011



Stardate 9th October 2011... In which Mike Royce explains the formula of a perfect Pacman, exposes the secret shop of ‘Mr A’, ponders the potency of Arthouse movies at HMV’s Pay Desk, and remembers Porridge The Sequel. Kris Heys believes in ‘the Wicker Penis’, explains the canon of Fraggle Rock, is introduced to Father Abraham, and wonders why we don’t believe in Sonic Bus Shelters and Spider Fences. The Best Sci-Fi Doctor and Catwoman are revealed, and the cancellation of Doctor Who Confidential is debated. Johnny English gets reviewed, there is an overview of Babylon 5 Politics, and just why is Stephen Spielberg sleeping with the Wife of George Lucas? [Sponsored by Hanky Panky College] All recordings are issued under official license from Manchester Radio Online.