Boardgame And Geek Out

Episode 8 - New Angeles



Episode 8, the one where we negotiate our way through New Angeles!  Returning this week is our Music With Boardgames segment, covering great cyberpunk soundtracks to use with New Angeles.  We received our first fan question on Facebook, asking for insights on breaking into the board game industry, and we answer it to the best of our (in)ability.  Other random commentary includes our thoughts on the Lego Batman movie, the upcoming boardgame-like video game Pit People (from The Behemoth), and a recent replay of the euro classic Princes of Florence (which Robert has trouble saying).   0:01:05 - Lego Batman Movie 0:02:00 - Pit People 0:04:12 - Princes of Florence 0:08:11 - Listener Questions 0:13:29 - New Angeles - The Story 0:18:29 - New Angeles - The Rules 0:32:07 - New Angeles - BSG Comparisons 0:34:42 - New Angeles - Judy Hates Bargaining 0:37:08 - New Angeles - Theme & Components 0:48:36 - New Angeles - Gameplay & Mechanics 1:05:29 - New Angeles - Final Thoughts 1:07:04 - Music with Board Games - Ne