Parkside Bible Holland

What Teens Want to Hear From the Pulpit: Relationship Sadness-Dealing with Depression 10-9-16 - Audio



Pastor Gary Spykerman: Philipians 4:2-7; Message 3 of 5 "What Teens Want to Hear From the Pulpit". Main Thoughts: 1. Anxiety and depression can result in LOST RELATIONSHIPS, especially faith relationships (4:2) 2. Anxiety and depression is a GROUP ISSUE (4:2) 3. We rejoice in THE LORD - not in the circumstances or the messiness of our brokenness (4:4) 4. Be GENTILE in the midst of the brokenness (4:5) 5. Take our anxiety and darkness to Him in PRAYER with thanksgiving (4:6) 6. His PEACE WILL GUARD our hearts and our minds (4:7) (Click 'PDF' to view sermon notes from our bulletin insert.)