Official Mark Levin Audio Rewind

1/19/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind



Donald Trump sounds like he is buying political votes by supporting ethanol. The ethanol issue is a perfect example of crony capitalism, pandering, and the environmental movement at their worst. Now, Trump wants to drive up subsidies for ethanol even higher and wants the EPA to carry out the mandates. Why would he empower the EPA to go even further than President Obama has on ethanol? Also, Ted Cruz is a straight talking guy and yet Donald Trump thinks that it shows he has a rough temperament. This doesn't mean that Ted Cruz lost his mind for calling out Mitch McConnell for being a liar, but that he has integrity. Later, the Supreme Court is taking up an appeal from the 5th Circuit who said no to Obama's unilateral amnesty. This is a dangerous move with 4 lockstep leftists on the court. Americans need to realize that what kind of Supreme Court justices are nominated is an important issue. The media and others need to take the candidates to task on what type of judges they would nominate. Gov. John Kasich has