Official Mark Levin Audio Rewind

12/8/15 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind



Once again Donald Trump has opened the way to have national discussion, this time about Islam, Sharia law and immigration from the Middle East. The vast majority of Muslims are good like everyone else, however a large minority of Muslims follow Sharia in a way that is incompatible with American values. Donald Trump's comments about temporarily not letting Muslims into the country were not unconstitutional, but have precedent. Also, Andy McCarthy calls in to talk about Islam's political ideology. Later, Sen. Ted Cruz calls in to discuss national security, Islam and defends himself against team Rubio attacks. Why is it that Rubio insists on smearing Ted Cruz? Reagan sought a true battle over ideas with Democrats and Republicans which is unlike Rubio. Rubio is a talented man but he will only get elected if he treats conservatives like Ted Cruz and the conservative electorate with respect.