Official Mark Levin Audio Rewind

12/3/15 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind



The real cause of the shooting in California was radical Islamic terrorism. There were repeated red flags from these terrorists which were ignored because this administration cares more about their agenda than our safety. Also, instead of talking about the terrorist threat that America faces, President Obama decides to talk about the dangers of the gun show loophole. However, neither more background checks or fixing this loop hole is going to save innocent Americans from shootings by terrorists and other violent people. California has universal background checks yet could not stop materials from getting into the hands of the San Bernardino terrorists. Later, Sen. Mike Lee calls in to discuss his support of Rand Paul's bill to halt refugees coming in from countries that are at a high risk of exporting terrorism to America and his re-election bid in 2016. Later, Mike Huckabee calls in to talk about his support of Article V and the fair tax.