Trentus Magnus Punches Reality

Episode 92- Rule Them With Strength- Magnus Talks About Smallville- Season 02 Part 04



In this week's ball-drugging episode, Magnus starts wrapping up his fond look back at the second season of Smallville in the first of two back-to-back Smallville episodes leading up to the epic, epic, EPIC 100th episode. This week, the spotlight falls on Suspect (a new cinematic benchmark for the show), Rush (wherein Magnus reveals a hitherto undisclosed comic book connection), Prodigal (there's some behind the scenes shenanigans that complicated the major plot point of this show and Fever (everything else has a parenthetical statement with it so this one should too). After that, in a segment all by itself, comes Rosetta, which was when His Excellency gave up the pretense and became a Smallville fan for life. Subplots are weighed, characters are analyzed, future spoilers are avoided and the whole burrito clocks in at a very efficient 76 minutes of undiluted Awesome. Because of the amount of discussion this week about all manner of character development and unappreciated comic book influences, there's simply n