Trentus Magnus Punches Reality

Episode 90- The Flash Was My Idol- Born to Run



In this week's ball-zapping episode, Magnus is joined by J. David Weter (but you can call him "Dave") for a fond look back at the pure, unadulterated, undiluted awesomeness that is Flash- Born to Run from Flash #62-#65, written by Mark Waid and illustrated by Greg Larocque. Not to worry, whatever the story lacks in visual flair is more than made up for by Waid bringing the badass as Wally recounts his first several adventures not only as a speedster but, more importantly, as the Flash's sidekick. Like a great boxer, Weter bobs, weaves, distracts, floats like a butterfly and stings like a bee as he never makes the comment you'd expect him to make. His kickassitude is exceeded only by His Excellency's rugged, bare-chested manliness. Weter is also singlehandedly responsible for this show's sheer existence as he was the only one of the two co-host's with a working podcast recorder. For those given to click-bait teases, "Weter said *WHAT* about Greg Larocque?" Because of the amount of discussion about absolutely n